Elise Julien Psychologist
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Welcome to the Psychology Practice of Dr Elise Julien
Clinical and Counselling Psychologist; Family Therapist.

Dr Julien's Approach to Therapy

Dr Julien views therapy as an opportunity for change. One of the main aims of therapy is usually to assist the client to become empowered. This means the client begins to assume responsibility for his/her own life and its direction. Therapy is a joint process between client and therapist. Together, issues of concern are explored and tackled.

Dr Julien is acutely aware of the importance of establishing a trusting, respectful, empathic and genuine relationship with her clients as this is essential for clients to be able to adopt strategies for change, no matter which theoretical approach is taken. She also recognises that most clients need to be able to function in their everyday lives while attending therapy. It is therefore a high priority that the pace/depth of counselling is carefully monitored.

As Dr Julien became more experienced, she developed her own style in therapy. She currently works from an eclectic viewpoint drawing from extensive training and past clinical experience.

Her original training was in Behaviour Therapy, Biofeedback, Behaviour Modification and Sex Therapy. It was broadened through attending private supervision and workshops in other approaches including Gestalt, Rogerian, Group Therapy, Bioenergetics, Transactional Analysis and Cognitive therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). She also draws from psychodynamic, client-centred and existential perspectives. Other influences include Meditation, Mindfulness and Positive Psychology.

Dr Julien also has a particular interest in Systems thinking and Family Therapy. This approach works from the premise that ‘no man/woman is an island’. We are all part of a system, be it our immediate family, our family of origin, our friends, our work place, our culture. This system can affect us through our perceptions, feelings, expectations, thoughts and real life experiences. It is therefore important to acknowledge this in therapy. It can give important clues as to why we behave/react in the way that we do, and enable awareness. This in turn enables strategies to be developed for change.

Dr Julien has previously practised for many years in a Complementary Medicine Specialists Clinic alongside highly trained and experienced practitioners in integrative medicine, naturopathy, osteopathy, remedial massage, Chinese medicine and acupuncture. She is aware of how diet, lifestyle, physical health, and other factors may also impact on psychological health in our complex mind-body interactions. Dr Julien practises in a wholistic way taking into account each client’s unique context. She is aware that there are many approaches to health and well-being.

© Copyright Dr Elise Julien 2012